Here’s a small piece of code I wrote which plays around with inline anonymous functions.
It shows you a unique value of an array, even when refreshing the page. The output will be different every time and no value will ever be shown twice in a row.
@session_start(); $terms = ['ayo', 'test', 'yani']; echo $terms[call_user_func( function($terms, $num){ do $_SESSION['poem'] = mt_rand(0, count($terms) - 1); while($num == $_SESSION['poem']); return $_SESSION['poem']; }, $terms, $num = ( isset($_SESSION['poem'])) ? $_SESSION['poem'] : mt_rand(0, count($terms) - 1 ) )];
I think it shows really good how inline anonymous functions can be used for some amazing things.
An award for unneeded complexity 🙂