This guide will help you find your custom lock screen wallpapers on Windows (10/11).


  1. Open up the Windows start menu and write “Command Prompt“. (Alternatively “cmd.exe”)

  2. Rightclick the command prompt tool and “Run as Administrator“.

  3. In the newly opened window, write (or copy/paste):
    takeown /F C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\SystemData\ /r /d Y

  4. Press enter and close the command prompt window.

  5. Now navigate with your “File Explorer” to:

  6. Enter the “S-1-5-…” directory and then enter “ReadOnly“.

  7. Here you will find your custom lock screen wallpapers in their own *“LockScreen_” **subdirectories.


Credit goes to: @Ariel and @Joe-B over at Stack Exchange. I decided to write a blog entry because it took quite some time to find this information.


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